The Altar

3 Short Contemporary Performance Art Films
7min: 40 sec, Artist’s Apartment
Pune, India
Meera George

The Altar is a short film triptych loosely based on 3 women from the Old testament. The films critically associate with the woman’s body, its perception, rights and onus.

Vashti was the queen of Persia, known for her beauty. When she was commanded by the king to parade before a banquet dressed only in her crown, her defiance costed her life. Are women still considered a prize or trophy that is won; a piece of decoration on display when and where needed? Over car bonnets and parading beauty pageants, the woman’s body can make heads turn or eyes roll.

Tamar married to the son of Judah, yearned for a child. However her husband repeatedly denies her motherhood. A desperate and anguished woman, she decides to take matters into her hand, heads to the streets in the guise of a prostitute to bed Judah. Right to motherhood is purely a woman’s choice. Not much has changed since. Today women across the world battle the right to their own bodies, be it abortion or pro- life.

Eve perceived as the one to have first sinned having bitten into the apple, was oblivious to the fate of mankind. Body awareness, self- consciousness, shame, inhibitions crept into the minds, but so did perversion & voyeurism. ‘A for Eve’ comments on the comfort/discomfort of women in their own skin. Self judgement, criticism, societal norms, pressures and dress code determine how a woman should feel with or without her clothes.

The 3 contemporary art films designed in the shape of arches allude to the altarpieces within the space of a church or cathedral. They are visualized to play one at a time on 3 different screens, creating a space of reverence and contemplation.

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